My favourite DE has got to be Cinnamon, as much as I like KDE and XFCE, I prefer the simplicity of cinnamon where as in KDE has a bit too much of everything in the customization scene and XFCE I find a little tricky to get tiling working right.

Cinnamon to me is perfect as I easily transferred from Win 10 to Mint and soon Manjaro Cinnamon Edition.

What is your favourite DE and why? Tiling WM DE’s can be counted as well seeing as they have nifty navigation features.

    4 months ago

    I prefer KDE a lot, because:

    • the UI is simple, material-ish and beautiful
    • it doesnt sacrifice usability or waste screen space like GNOMEs minimalism. I especially like the buttons etc. of Qt apps, where GIMP is already struggling with the huge hugeness of GTK3.
    • it runs 100% on Wayland
    • it runs GNOME apps without modifying them a bit. There is an issue where Fedora doesnt want to use Adwaita icons, but a short autostart entry solves that. KDE Breeze dark/light can sync to adwaita dark/light
    • KDE has tons of legacy support features, have a look at my experiment where I explored many of them
    • it is modular and can be pretty minimal (I would like a more barebones version, without all the floating stuff etc)
    • all the settings are in the same app! This is a huge issue with all the small ones, where nontechnical users need to know the difference between “GTK settings” “lightDM settings”, etc.
    • Systemsettings are searchable, all settings pages are accessible from the global search, some pages are even shown when you use an alternative word, you can always search in english and your local language
    • it is very actively developed
    • it has tons of unique features.
    • it has the biggest most complex apps situated in a DE on Linux. Period. KDEnlive, digiKam, Krita, Kate, Dolphin, …