Hiya, just got NPM installed and working, very happy to finally have SSL certs on all of my serivces and proper URLs to navigate to them, what a breeze! However, as I am still in the learning process: I am curious to know when to enable these three toggles and for what services. I assume the “Block Common Exploits”, can always be turned on. But unsure about the two others. Some applications have not worked until I turned on the Websockets Support, but I dont really know what it does, nor do I know what applications need this in order to fully work. Are there any thumb rules for these things?
Appriciate any pointers! 🌻
Two wrongs don’t make a right. I was scratching my head for a few seconds looking at the thumbnail and the title. And even the post body didn’t clarify things. 🤷🏻
Multiple things have the same abbreviation, it’s really all about the context it’s used it imo. Considering Ngninx Proxy Manager being a very well known tool in the selfhosters toolbelt, I figured it would be familiar enough to use.
You also have a screenshot from proxy manager so any confusion should have been short lived
Is it wrong to abbreviate your own product in your documentation?
Their own doc, sure why not.
Any other context where there’s a giant with the same name. No, please at least write it out expanded once.