I’m currently debating on how to manage files on my servers. I have a jellyfin and a minecraft server on which I need to add, remove or download files quite often. I don’t really want to use scp for everything, so I was wondering what everyone uses.

Edit: I’m looking for a gui solution, but a somewhat automated process of backups etc. is also nice

Edit 2: For anyone wondering what my final solution was: I am currently using a wireguard vpn on a raspberry pi to access my servers. I use Xpipe as a gui interface to transfer my files. I also just use tmux and ssh to execute commands and run services.

  • Illecors@lemmy.cafe
    7 months ago

    NFS comes to mind, naturally.

    I remember some years ago scp had a big issue, can’t recall what, though. But that made me have a look at rsync, and I’ve been using that ever since. Flags are a bit atteocious, but I’ve aliases rsync -avz status=progress to copy and it’s been happy days. One other benefit - incremental copy. Helps in cases where a copy procedure had been stopped for whatever reason.

  • Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago


    I just use sshfs to mount ssh shares and move files between them like any other folder.

    Same with samba shares (windows).