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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Sure, you don’t actually own it. The words you strung together are not actually yours nor is the grammar you strung it together with. The knowledge you used to create it is also not yours.

    The only way to ensure no one reads, borrows, or “steals” your work is to never share it with anyone and certainly never put it on the Internet.

    The only way to ensure it is truly yours is to never have participated in society, invent your own language, and of course hide it from ever being discovered.

    This is the only real way. You need to create in a vacuum and lock it up so no one will ever find it. Then and only then can it truly be yours.

  • That is a long winded way to say you are a copyright defender. Your insisting on finding an alternative to a broken system so rent seekers can continue to exist is naive to say the least.

    I think most people with your stance (don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater) really have no idea how broken copyright and intellectual property is.

    AI companies have already proven copyright is DOA. It was never designed for the little guy. That is just propaganda you have fallen prey to.

    Simply put copyright was not needed for all of human history and it is still not needed. Pretending you have a unique idea, song, painting, etc in a world of billions of humans is beyond ridiculous.

    The concept was already broken from the start because everything in science and art is iterative. Giving monopoly power to rent seekers is the natural result of a broken concept.

  • If you put something on the Internet you are giving up ownership of it. This is reality and companies taking advantage of this for AI have already proven this is true.

    You are not going to be able to put the cat back in the bag. The whole concept of ownership over art, ideas, and our very culture was always ridiculous.

    It is past time to do away with the joke of the legal framework we call IP law. It is merely a tool for monied interests to extract more obscene profit from our culture at this point.

    There is only one way forward and that is sweeping privacy protections. No more data collection, no more targeted advertising, no more dark patterns. The problem is corporations are not going to let that happen without a fight.