That’s a bit like emptying the sewer into the street
That’s a bit like emptying the sewer into the street
Same. Luckily you can add his name to the block list.
Gotta pay for those skyrocketing AI server bills somehow
If the original SeaLab tests in the 60s were any indication, YES. Check out Scott Carpenter’s voice on this recording with LBJ. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3wkh6s
It would be super interesting to know more background on these donations. One has to wonder if there was some sort of solicitation going on. Did somebody leave a note on his windshield? I’m willing to bet there was.
I would suggest you wipe the drive and reinstall the os fresh. The experience you describe is not typical at all. I would also run some hardware diagnostics while you were at it.
Sure there are bugs here and there, of which I complain about a lot. But this is something else.
The only people who make money on Spotify is Spotify. Support artists directly if you want them to continue to create.
Oh there would be plenty of strokes, I’ll grant you that.