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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • but my question remains… how does American companies, whose entire (or practically entire) production is manufactured in China, avoid those pitfalls?

    Good question. Who knows. Maybe have more expensive production in other countries then China, or raw resource import and produce the products yourself. But this is cutting very deep in profits, maybe even impossible as the competition will be a cheaper option for the consumer.

    the same cheapening out in materials and corner cutting strategies are applied in North America all the time.

    May be so, but within the US there are regulations which are (or should be) checked. There are federal bureaus tasked with this. Doesn’t change the fact that many regulations are weird, some non-existant due to loopholes and many regulations are laughable at best compared to EU regulations. But still it’s way better then any unregulated stuff from China, or regulated stuff from China but the guy doing the checks got bribed.

  • Cheapest production, biggest profits. Yeah. But it’s not necessarily the American company responsible for buying cheap junk. Chinese companies love to get the profits by cheaping out on build material while upselling it as quality products. It’s hard to Check the entire production line and it’s resources as they often come from many different places and there’s barily any quality control within the Chinese factories and it’s supply routes. You don’t know whether they may have cheaped out on one expensive resource by replacing it with a cheap toxic alternative.

    There’s a European quality check for products, the CE logo which stands for “conformité européenne” meaning "European conformity"on commercial products indicates that the manufacturer or importer affirms the goods’ conformity with European health, safety, and environmental protection standards.

    China created an identical looking logo meaning Chinese Exports so they can bypass the EU regulations and use toxins instead of safe resources. It has the logo so people believe it went through the EU checks required to be allowed to use the logo on the product. Instead they add the logo without any quality control as it’s basically a different, yet identical looking logo. This is how China operates.

  • Tariffs don’t make them ok, but invisible. For instance, phones are produced in China for 95%. Then they are shipped to Vietnam, finished to 100% and shipped to the US without the China tariffs. Whatever happened in China during the 95% is unregulated and unregistered. Whenever it is shipped from China directly there are regulations for the construction of parts and the materials used. But already finished parts without this info which are imported from somewhere else can miss this info, like the 95% phones shipped to Vietnam have. Vietnam needs to declare whatever they used for the 5% for the regulations and the other 95% is declared as a pre-made product. This is how toxic materials are able to enter the western markets without anyone knowing it and how China tariffs only help covering up the use of toxins by shipping goods through hubs in other countries and the production of products without any safety regulation resulting in exploding batteries for example. And for food products to be unknowingly covered with highly toxic pesticides. Don’t underestimate the corruption in China, it’s like the US x2.

    Oh and the video is just a yt vid, I know, but he has a lot of Chinese sources as he lived there for several years and he nicely sums up all the articles I’ve read about this all so far. He uncovers a lot of corruption which the Chinese government desperately tries to hide. I’ve seen different sources backing him up.

  • This is a nice video which sums it up pretty well, concerning EV’s. Many are coming to the US and EU market too, like BYD is doing now for example. They are growing faster then Tesla, threatening to surpass Tesla sales soon.

    There are many articles about Chinese EV’s spontaneously combusting or exploding. And that’s just the EV’s.

    There are many products containing extremity toxic materials which are imported anmass through Chinese digital market places like alibaba etc, but also as parts for American produced products. Products like cheap 3D printer filament, children toys, car parts, metals, food (with pesticides), etc. It’s hard to check everything, it’s hard to regulate everything, especially when loads of it is produced in a country where there is little to no regulations but instead loads of corruption. It’s imported by hundreds of thousands of shipping containers per day. Sure, some products are fine. But there are many which are toxic and sometimes deadly and we often find out about it way too late. Regulating takes time. China finds loopholes. It’s standard operating procedures.

  • Yeah, that may be so, but priorities man. Priorities! Think of our profits man! In this harsh economy, ever ad counts! We’re only controlling 90% of the internet while we strive for 100%. That’s 10% short. 10%! We only had a revenue of 305 billion in 2023 which is not nearly enough to cut down on ads. Billionaire lives matter man! Come on, everybody, say it all together: Make millionaires billionaires again! Billionaires first! Meemaws don’t consume enough anyway. Screw her. By the way, want some penis enlargement pills?

  • You mean cheaper and worse, there are little to no regulations and if there are any, inspectors are paid off as China is corrupt AF. and the cheaper part is because the general factory workers are kept extremity poor to uphold the cheap labor, next to the Uyghurs in concentration camps who are forced to work for free. There are no rights or regulations for factory workers, so no protective clothing or gear, no safe work environment, while working with extremity toxic materials as those are cheaper then the safer alternatives. Working 12 to 16 hours per day, as young as 8 years old, 6 to 7 days a week, no sick days, no holidays. There is no quality control. There is media control, so every online post of a spontaneously combusted EV, which are maaaaany, is removed.

    So you confuse quality with quantity. Yeah, it’s cheaper. But at what cost. Not just the lives of the Chinese workers, those toxins are also in the products we use.

  • I thought the same, but it’s at the cost of real artists who are struggling to survive in a harsh market, so it still hurts. Sadly, this man isn’t unique. There are many Spotify listening farms listening to fake artists with AI generated songs just over 30sec which is the minimal listening requirement to get payed. And Spotify does nothing, as they get more money too.

    I can appreciate a well performed scheme or crime, but only if it steals from the rich and big corps. In this case, it steals from honest artists who give us amazing music while mostly being under paid on a regular basis, with the exception here and there.

    Stealing from the poor is really low. Only the biggest assholes are capable of doing that. (looks at all the billionaires)

  • YouTube had a very well working algorithm. Because of the echo chamber effect, they turned it off with the goal to prevent the echo chamber effect. Creating an echo chamber platform isolates people even more from reality. At least YouTube is trying to push as much content as possible, how junk it may be, but at least it’s less of an echo chamber then it used to be, and less like Twitter any other weird place where extremists unite. I loved the YouTube algorithm as I was able to find amazing unknown music based on my preferences. But I take it that’s all fucked up now, because it’s better for society. Isolating and alienating people is dangerous. People need to see different perspectives. Otherwise it won’t be different from a cult or dictatorship. One sided information to radicalize. We already have enough nut jobs on this marble, please, let’s continue to confront them with reality and prevent others to follow them otherwise we’re all fucked. Trump has already been president, we’re still stuck with Xi and Putin, India just re-elected a dangerous idiot, Elon keeps getting away with all his lies, schemes and crimes, Netanyahu is free to continue his war crimes, European countries are turning further and further into the extreme right because of fake news and dangerous idiots. All they need is followers and to get that they need a medium to isolate people into their propaganda.

  • Yeah, in settings under site settings you can disable JS. You have full control on what websites are allowed and what not. There are loads of privacy settings and visual customization options to make it truly your browser. It’s also the best browser for desptops imo. I love the gesture function and the hot key search options you can make. Like for instance, I linked the imdb search bar to “I” key, so when I type I the address bar “I poor things” it will search ‘poor things’ on imdb. The only extensions I have on my pc are YouTube sponsor block and Proton pass, my password manager. The more third party extensions you have, the more your data is sold. Nothing is for free. We are the product.

    Edit: only downside is that it’s chromium based. Fuck Google.