Meta’s revenue is in the tens of billions. This fine isn’t even a rounding error for them. This isn’t something that should be taken so lightly.
Meta’s revenue is in the tens of billions. This fine isn’t even a rounding error for them. This isn’t something that should be taken so lightly.
Definitely agreed. Then again, Reddit has stopped being user or privacy friendly for a long time now.
Google has a function to limit or remove third party connections/accounts from your google account. You should be able to change that if you wanted to.
I honestly don’t know if they do or don’t have. I’d imagine it also varies by region. I just know schools have started giving out laptops to kids to take home if they are needed.
These aren’t necessarily the computers you and I grew up on where they had a dedicated computer lab room for use during class time. These are devices they take everywhere with them, even home. Now imagine some creepy school IT administrator decided to peek on the Webcams of kids while they’re on their room?
Even if it somehow gets reinstated, the damage is done. Majority have already left for alternatives.
You definitely see a difference in children who are regularly given phones to keep them occupied. They’re just so much more hyper active. I know a lot of teachers have been complaining about phone use in the classrooms. In Canada they just started rolling back against rules saying teachers can’t confiscate phones.
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