If defaults are sane enough, then explain this: you log into a website, tell the website to remember your credentials, then after you reopen the browser you’re logged out of that website.
Yes, I know it’s cookies, but regular people know so little about it that they’re most likely to not stay after that incident.
Even I did not notice first, as there was no warning about cookies being deleted upon browser closure, so I spent an entire evening reconfiguring it from scratch after I’ve initially set it up. I didn’t mind getting through all the settings, so not a big deal (I would have done this anyway at a later time), but, at least for me, there were still not sane defaults.
I actually messed up two Firefox installations because I kinda synced everything 💀 So I get what you’re talking about. I don’t expect it to be massively adopted. Hope not everyone who moved jumped ship to Chrome or another Chromium clone after the whole Mozilla fiasco.