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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I was equivocating singular words and entire sentences on purpose.

    If you can recombine sentences in interesting ways, into paragraphs that are your own ideas, that isn’t plagiarism. Why would “people can’t construct unique sentences either” be a rebuttal if that’s not what plagiarsm is?

    Instead it studies the prior work of humans, finds patterns and combines these in unique and novel ways.

    You’re anthropomorphising.

    LLMs are little clink-clink machines that produce the most typical output. That’s how they’re trained. Ten thousand inputs say this image is of a streetlight? That’s how it knows.

    The fact an LLM knows what a Lord of Rings is at all means that Tolkien’s words, the images, the sounds, are all encoded in its weights somewhere. You can’t see them, it’s a black box, but they live there.

    Could you say the same of the human brain? Sure. I know what a neuron is.

    But, LLMs are not people.

    All of that is besides the point, though. I was just floored by how cynical you could be about your own supposed craft.

    A photograph of, say, a pretty flower is fantastic. As an enjoyer of art myself, I love it when people communicate things. People can share in the beauty that you saw. They can talk about it. Talk about how the colors and the framing make them feel. But if you’re view is that you’re not actually adding anything, you’re just doing more of what already exists, I really don’t know why you bother.

    Nobody has seen every photo in the world.

    Okay, assume someone has. Is your art meaningless, then? All of photography is just spectacle, and all the spectacles have been seen?

  • it doesn’t mean you can’t combine them in a unique ways

    Okay, so you don’t believe new things can’t be unique. You just think that plagiarism is when one person uses the word ‘the’ and then a second person uses the word ‘the’.

    Why do you find it such a depressing idea?

    That art is dead? Through sheer saturation alone, no one has anything left to say? That watching the new Cinderella is line-by-line the same as watching the old Cinderella, and the money machine keeps this corpse moving along only because people are too stupid to realize they’re being sold books from a library? I really don’t know how you couldn’t.

    This is like asking me why a polluted lake is sad.

  • I’d argue it’s virtually impossible to write a sentence that has not been written before

    I mean this sincerely: why bother getting excited about anything, then?

    A new Marvel movie, a new game, a new book, a new song. If none of them are unique in any way, what is the point of it all? Why have generative AI go through this song and dance? Why have people do it? Why waste everyone’s time?

    If the plagiarism engine is acceptable because it’s not possible to be unique anyway… I just, I don’t know how you go on living. It all sounds so unbelievably boring.

  • Arguing why it’s bad for society for machines to mechanise the production of works inspired by others is more to the point.

    I agree, but the fact that shills for this technology are also wrong about it is at least interesting.

    Rhetorically speaking, I don’t know if that’s useless.

    I don’t care why they’re different, or that it technically did or didn’t violate the “free swim” policy,

    I do like this point a lot.

    If they can find a way to do and use the cool stuff without making things worse, they should focus on that.

    I do miss when the likes of cleverbot was just a fun novelty on the Internet.

  • are all just a tool
    just a tool
    it’s just a tool
    a tool is a tool
    all are just tools
    it’s no more than a tool
    it’s just a tool
    it’s a tool we can use
    one of our many tools
    it’s only a tool
    these are just tools
    a tool for thee, a tool for me

    guns don’t kill people, people kill people
    the solution is simple:
    teach drunk people not to shoot their guns so much
    unless they want to
    that is the American way

    tanks don’t kill people, people kill people
    the solution is simple:
    teach drunk people not to shoot their tanks so much
    the barista who offered them soy milk
    wasn’t implying anything about their T levels
    that is the American way

    Thanks for reminding me that AI is just tools, friend.
    My memory is not so good.
    I often can’t

  • Um. I think there are some kinds we should apologize for. I’m sure you could imagine the kind of hypothetical challenge I might put forward.

    But that said, it sounds like your concern is more about that sort of rainbow capitalism / design by committee flavor that would balk at, say, Bayonetta. I get that.

    It reminds me of a story that… was it Contrapoints? told about how progressive people will sometimes do this thing where they’ve clocked you as probably trans or something, and they want to ask your pronouns, but they’ll do it by having everyone sit down in a circle and share theirs one at a time, which makes the whole thing very strange because everybody is staring and waiting for your turn to go.

    Less conscientious people will be like “she looks like a woman… I’ll go with she.” They can guess wrong, of course, but the casualness of it can also be really freeing in its own way.

    A thing I’m not sure about, though: while some of the ideas put forward by these well-meaning but oblivious people might be kind of cringe, I don’t know that they haven’t affected anything positive. Rainbow Six Siege sells the shit out of its diversity characters to an almost distracting degree, but still, I think it’s kind of nice.

    So, I guess my hope is not that DEI committees get disbanded, that seems kind of bad, but that the right people get involved in them. Hold back the busybodies when they get too sex-repressed, maybe.